Vietnam information

Wi-Fi in Ho Chi Minh


Vietnam has free Wi-Fi throughout the city

Wi-Fi can be connected anywhere, including airports, hotels, restaurants, and cafes.

The staff will be happy to tell you if you enter a restaurant or cafe, and ask "Tell me your Wi-Fi password." Also, since the password is often written on the receipt at the time of purchase, please check the receipt.

Almost any store is equipped with Wi-Fi.

Pocket Wi-Fi


If you want to connect Wi-Fi while walking outside, you should prepare pocket Wi-Fi from Japan.

It is very convenient because you can rent it at Japanese airport.

Vietnam SIM card


There is also a way to use a carrier in Vietnam.

In that case, simply purchase a local SIM card and replace your mobile SIM card. (This method cannot be used on mobile phones with a SIM lock, so we recommend that you unlock the SIM lock in advance.)

Since SIM cards can be purchased from several hundred yen, it is recommended for those who do not need to make a phone call while on site.

International call

From Vietnam to Japan
+ 81- (takes 0 from area code) -xxxx-xxxx

From Japan to Vietnam
+ 84- (takes 0 from area code) -xxxx-xxxx